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Parish News

Some of the great photos from our #CAFOD #BigLentWalk today.
Taking in St Lawrence Parish Church, York St Aelred's Church and St Thomas at Osbaldwick for the Tombstone Mary Ward.

A very Happy Birthday and Blessings to parishioner Doreen on her 95th birthday yesterday!
Don't get left behind on Sunday 23rd! .....
The St George's CAFOD Big Lent Walk leaves after Morning Mass and following a special blessing from Fr Jo Michael.
If you'd like to donate to CAFOD tomorrow morning, you have 2 options:
Ines will be collecting Family Fast Envelopes after both Masses.
You can donate to our #BigLentWalk at the back of Church after morning Mass or you can donate online any time via the following link or by scanning the attached QR Code
(Please note that you can adjust the 'Tip' to Just Giving by choosing the 'enter custom amount' option)
Thank you on behalf of #CAFOD for your generosity.
Don't get left behind on Sunday 23rd! .....
The St George's CAFOD Big Lent Walk leaves after Morning Mass and following a special blessing from Fr Jo Michael.
If you'd like to donate to CAFOD tomorrow morning, you have 2 options:
Ines will be collecting Family Fast Envelopes after both Masses.
You can donate to our #BigLentWalk at the back of Church after morning Mass or you can donate online any time via the following link or by scanning the attached QR Code
(Please note that you can adjust the 'Tip' to Just Giving by choosing the 'enter custom amount' option)
Thank you on behalf of #CAFOD for your generosity.
Thank you to St Aelred's
For calling in at St George's last Sunday on your Cafod Pilgrimage Walk.
It was great to see you all and we hope you can join our Cafod Big LentWalk on Sunday 23rd March after Morning Mass.


Fairtrade Stall
Very many thanks to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall on Sunday.
A total of £216 worth of goods were bought - £97 at morning Mass and £119 at evening Mass
The next stalls will be held after both Masses on 30th March and 11th May.
Please note there won’t be stalls in April so you may need to stock up on your Easter cards and eggs as well as chocolate, coffees, jams, etc at the March stalls.
A lady left a small painted wooden cross on the stall by mistake. We will be at evening Mass this Sunday (16th) should she wish to collect it.
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

It is great to see St George's feature on the back page of this month's issue of the Catholic Voice published by The Diocese of Middlesbrough.
You can pick up a paper copy of The Voice at the back of Church or the whole newspaper and previous issues are now available online at:


St George's Church in the News again
Great to see that our recent Epiphany Party, organised by our parish Laudato Si Group, features in the February edition of the The Voice newspaper produced by The Diocese of Middlesbrough
Copies of The Voice are available at Mass at the back of Church or you can now read this issue and previous issues online at

A Thought for Tidy Friday!
Did you know there is thought to be over 140 million unused cables sat in our homes!?
You could circle the Earth five times with the cables hiding in UK homes alone.
Most of us hold onto cables, charging wires and leads “just in case” but I don’t know anyone that couldn’t use more storage space…
If you haven’t used the cable in a year chances are, you aren’t going to and you can free up valuable space by recycling your cables.
The good news is that a box is provided at the back of Church by St George’s Laudato Si Group in which to leave your unwanted cables for recycling at St Nicks Project in York

Fairtrade Stall

Many thanks to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall last Sunday.

Goods to the value of £204 were bought (£156 at morning Mass and £48 at evening Mass).

The next stall will be after both Masses on Sunday 16th February

Many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

Thank you to Imam Ammar and Shazad for welcoming Fr Jo Michael so warmly at the fortnightly Refugee Lunch at York Mosque Community Kitchen. Followed by a tour of the Mosque
Collection of Unwanted IT at each Mass This Sunday 19th Jan
A reminder that we will be available before and after Mass this Sunday to recycle your unwanted phones, tablets and computers if they are not too old.
The attached gives guidance on what we can accept and how to confirm how old your computer is.
All donations go directly to the IT Reuse charity in York for data to be deleted and suitable devices to be repurposed for those in need.
St George's Parishioners Feature in the January Issue of The Voice
We have 2 stories included in this month's issue of the Voice produced by The Diocese of Middlesbrough .
You can pick up a copy of the Voice at the back of Church or access online via this link:
Our Fairtrade Stall 2024 Report
As you will have noticed from our regular posts throughout 2024, our Fairtrade stall, kindly run by volunteers Dennis and Frances, continued to go from strength to strength in 2024.
Here is the single page summary of the year, highlighting an incredible 28% increase in sales compared with 2023, which itself was double that in 2022.
This is a remarkable achievement. Tremendous thanks go to Dennis and Frances for all their hard work and dedication in 2024 and most of all a huge thank you to St George's parishioners who have once again demonstrated that special St George's kindness and generosity.

St George's Collection of Unwanted Mobile Phones and Laptops for York's IT Reuse Charity

You may have spotted in our bulletin recently that our annual collection of unwanted mobile phones and laptops is taking place at each Mass on Sunday 19th January (do not bring on any other day please)

All phones and laptops donated go to help the York IT Reuse Charity that was recently featured on Look North:

So if you've treated yourself to new tech recently, please consider donating the tech you no longer require to a very worthwhile cause locally. (Smartphones from 2016 onwards and laptops from 2012 onwards)


Fairtrade Stall

Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall on Sunday 5th Jan.

Goods to the value of £151 were sold (£88 after morning Mass and £63 after evening Mass).

This was excellent bearing in mind the difficulties people had in getting to Mass due to the weather conditions.

The next stalls will be held on Sunday 26 January i.e. in three weeks time.

Many thanks,
Frances & Dennis


Happy Feast of the Epiphany!

Here are some more photos and videos from the excellent Epiphany Party organised and hosted by our Laudato Si Group last Friday.

Thank you to St Lawrence Parish Church, York for the hospitality and hire of the Church Hall.

And finally a very Happy Feast of the Epiphany to all our parishioners , followers and friends.

Fairtrade Stall at Both Masses - Sunday 5th Jan

The Fairtrade Stall is back for 2025, following a record breaking 2024.

Thank you to parishioners for all your support in 2024 and Dennis and Frances look forward to serving you in 2025.

A huge thank you to everyone who braved the big freeze to come to our Epiphany party - we all had a great time with lovely food, singing, games, child Kings and of course the crowning event being the Pinata, beautifully made by Citlali (and beautifully destroyed by the children!)
You all made it such a warm and welcoming celebration reflecting our church family at St George's.
It was lovely to see a very large shooting star over the Hall - very fitting for the celebration!
We hope to organise something for either St George's Day or Easter so let us know if you have any ideas or would like to be involved.
Watch this space!
Happy Christmas
We wish all our parishioners, followers and friends a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
May the blessings of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, be with you and your families today and always.
God bless,
Fr Jo Michael and the team at St George's Church.
Thank You to All Saints Students
It was very kind of the students and staff at All Saints Catholic School, York to invite 5 members of St Georges Parish recently to a enjoy a free SVP Christmas lunch at the school.
4th Sunday of Advent - 22nd Dec

Today we lit the 4th candle on our Advent Crown to mark the 4th Sunday of Advent.

We now anticipate the arrival of our Saviour, Jesus Christ on Christmas Day.

The First Mass of Christmas is at 7pm on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day Mass is at 9:30am on Christmas morning.

Fairtrade Stall Breaks All Records!
A fantastic way to celebrate the final Fairtrade Stall of 2024 is to share with you that yesterday's Fairtrade Stall at both Masses took £382!
This is a record for the St George’s Stall. £248 worth of goods were sold at morning Mass and £134 at evening Mass. Many thanks to parishioners for your outstanding generosity.
St George's Fairtrade Stall is very much part of our Parish initiative to #livesimply encouraged by our Parish #LaudatoSi Group.
The next Fairtrade Stall will be on Sunday 5 January i.e. in three weeks’ time. The plan is to hold a stall at three-weekly intervals until the end of March.
We will confirm the dates in advance.
We hope to share an ‘Annual Report’ for 2024 in early January.
Very many thanks for your support over the past year.
Frances and Dennis would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year
St George's SVP - Annual Report to the Parish

A copy of the short report detailing the key activities of the SVP over the last year to Sept 24 is now available on the pin board at the back of Church.

You can also access it online using this link:

The St Vincent de Paul Society is an international charity which befriends those in need and provides them with practical assistance. It has been established in England & Wales since 1844, where there are currently 9,000 volunteer members involved in its work.

Details of our Parish Epiphany Party on Friday January 3rd - All Welcome.
Feast of St Francis Xavier
Last Saturday 7th Dec we celebrated Mass to commemorate the Feast Day of St Francis Xavier, a very special day for our thriving Goan community in St George’s Parish.
St. Francis Xavier is most honoured by the Catholic Church, for his missionary accomplishments particularly in Goa, India.
He is one of the greatest Roman Catholic missionaries of modern times and was instrumental in the establishment of Christianity in Goa. He is now the patron Saint of Goa.
Members of the Goan community provided light refreshments for all parishioners after Mass, at the back of the church, to celebrate the feast.
Here are some photos from the day.
Thank you to Lars and Ines for sharing these.
A Warm St George's Welcome to Oakhill College, New South Wales
It was brilliant this morning to welcome staff and students from Oakhill College in New South Wales, Australia who joined us for 10am Mass.
St George's in honoured to have spent time with the staff and students who are part way through a rugby tour of England and Italy.
We wish them a safe and enjoyable tour.
And good luck in the rugby match this afternoon with St Peter's School, York
Christmas Mass Times at St George's Church
Here is a note of our Christmas Mass Times.

Everyone is welcome to attend.


Christmas Carol Service

Our Christmas Carol Service this year on Thursday 19th Dec at 7pm will be a joint event at St George's Church with our neighbours St Denys Church in Walmgate.

Everyone is very welcome to attend.


St George's Fairtrade Stall
Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall on Sunday.
Goods to the value of £307 were sold (£212 morning Mass and £95 evening Mass).
The next stall will be held on the 15th December – Please note this is a change of date from 8th.
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis



Sustainable Christmas

With Christmas in mind, here are 2 suggestions from our Laudato Si group to make yours a more eco-friendly time of year: 


CAFOD World Gifts


This is a range of virtual life changing gifts which can help transform the lives of people living in poverty. An excellent way of giving this Christmas: 


See the link at:


For suggestions for a sustainable Advent, with ways of worrying less and spending less, go to



Parish Christmas/Epiphany Get Together
We are planning an event around Christmas/New year for the whole church. ... we don't quite know how it will take shape yet, but think cheeses, wine, a quiz and entertainment for the children will play a part!
We would like this to be a whole Church celebration.
If you would like to volunteer to help please let Maria Kato or Katy Iggulden know.


Restore - Providing Homes, Giving Hope
Father Joe Michael and Canon Jerry last night joined members of St George's Church, representing the SVP and Laudato Si, in supporting a charity dinner in aid of Restore York who provide homes for people who have suffered homelessness.
We learned that providing a roof is the tip of the iceberg for many homeless people.
The Restore team compassionately explores the root causes of each person's situation, enabling them to flourish - restoring lives and dignity.
The food was cooked and served by Yahala Mataam - a Social Enterprise Restaurant and Cookery School in York.
The mission of Yahala Mataam is to provide opportunity, build confidence and instill dignity in the lives of refugees, asylum seekers and those who are marginalised due to conflict through food projects.
St George's SVP is proud to have partnered with the Restore York Charity in 2024 and will continue to do so into 2025


Appeal for Your Help and Prayers Please

One of our parishioners, Jim Sunney, is desperately trying to help his family in Kent recover from a catastrophic fire at their home.

Please pray for comfort and a swift recovery for the family.

His sister has also set up a GoFundMe page to receive donations of financial help if you feel able:

Many thanks from Jim.


Benediction and Holy Hour at 5:30pm - Wednesday 13th November
Fr Jose Michael is holding a Holy Hour and Benediction 5:30pm to 6:30pm at Church to promote the intrinsic dignity of the human person and the culture of life in our country in the face of the assisted suicide legislation going before the UK Parliament.


Requiem Mass for Ann Richardson RIP
The Requiem Mass for Ann Richardson RIP will be held at St Aelred's RC Church on Tuesday 19th November at 12.00 noon.
May Ann's souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


Fairtrade Stall

Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall on Sunday.

Goods to the value of £165 were sold - £120 morning Mass and £45 Evening Mass.

The next stall will be on Sunday 24th November.
This is a Christmas ‘Special’ for the sale of Christmas Cards, Advent Calendars, baubles, stocking fillers, Christmas chocolate, etc, etc.

There will also bring a small stock of the usual coffee, chocolate, jams, etc. which won’t be on display so please ask if you would like these.

Many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

Holy Souls in the Month of November
As we anticipate the month of November, we are reminded to pray for all those Holy Souls that mean so much to each of us.
Names from the November Holy Souls List will be read out at each Mass in November and you can add the names of those you wish to be remembered by completing returning the Holy Souls envelopes now available at the back of Church.
Winter Clothes for Carecent York
Thank you again for your generous donations at Mass yesterday.
And thank you to Jim and Annette for transporting this week to Carecent York
Welcome Back Fr Jo Michael!
This Sunday we welcomed back Fr Jo Michael from his holiday in India to resume his Ministry at St George's. We wish him a long and happy Ministry at St George's.
We also thank Canon Jerry for looking after us since his retirement at the beginning of August.
May Canon Jerry now enjoy a very long and happy retirement in York.
God bless both Canon Jerry and Fr Jo Michael.

Fairtrade Stall

Another fantastic result yesterday for our ever popular Fairtrade Stall.

Goods to the value of £297 were sold - £210 morning Mass and £87 evening Mass.

This compares very favourably with previous months in 2024 and is our second highest total this year.

Thank you to everyone who has supported our Fairtrade stall this year.

The next stalls will be held on
1. Sunday 3rd November for the sale of Christmas Cards and Advent calendars as well as the usual goods This is week earlier than usual to avoid Remembrance Sunday

2. Sunday 24th November This is a Christmas Special for the sale of Christmas cards, Advent calendars as well as other Christmas items

Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis
It was great to accompany Canon Jerry on his visit the York Mosque & Islamic Centre last Thursday, where he shared news of his retirement with Imam Ammar.
A lovely and very busy community lunch allowed us to share a meal together and it was great to connect again with Helping other People in Need Group Street Kitchen who do some great work in York feeding those in need every single week of the year.
In the week in which the UK's last coal-fired power station was due to close, we are reminded that as a Church we have a part to play in influencing the Fossil Fuel agenda.
Our parish First Holy Communion programme is open for all children Year 4 and above and preparation for the special day will start in November 2024.
Dates and times of meetings and the date for the First Holy Communion Mass will be confirmed when Fr Jo Michael returns in mid-October.
If you would like to register your child on the programme please email Liz Goldstein:, who will send out a registration form for you to complete.
In the meantime all the catechists look forward to welcoming you and your children at Sunday Mass.
SVP Parish Outing 2024 - Thursday 19th September
Thank you to Ines and Pat for some great photos from yesterday's trip to Hutton Le Hole.
The food was excellent and the museum was extensive, relaxed and very informative.
I'm told the ice cream was also delicious!
Hannah Pugh RIP
Today we fondly remember Hannah Pugh who passed away recently.
Hannah was a very popular parishioner at St George's and made many friends.
She will be very sadly missed.
Here is a link to the order of service from her Requiem Mass:
May Hannah's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall on Sunday – goods to the value of £106 were sold - £49 after morning Mass and £57 after evening.
A good result during the holiday season.
Our next stall is on Sunday 8th Sept.
Many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

August Issue of The Voice

The August Issue of The Voice produced by the The Diocese of Middlesbrough is now available at the back of Church or you can read online at this link:

This month's issue contains a lovely photo and article from Canon Jerry's recent Jubilee Mass at St George's Church.


Olga Finnegan, RIP

We have just been made aware that the funeral service for Olga Finnegan, who passed away recently in Bridlington, will be held tomorrow, Thursday 18th July, at 3pm at York Crematorium.

Olga was a former parishioner of St George's and will be well known to many people in our Parish.


Another Successful Fairtrade Stall - Sunday 14th July

Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall at Mass yesterday.

An excellent £187 worth of goods were sold - £110 at morning Mass and £77 at evening Mass.

The next stall is at both Masses on Sunday 11th August.

Michael Metcalfe RIP

Today we pray Michael Metcalfe who died recently at St Leonard's Hospice.

Canon Jerry led a very heartwarming tribute Mass at St George's today, to celebrate Michael's life with family and friends, organised by Michael's twin sister Jane.

Michael attended St George's Junior and Secondary School and served as an altar boy at St George’s Church. He worked for a time at York Carriage Works and was an engineer at heart who just loved to understand how things worked. He also had a fine collection of motor bikes.

May Michael’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Sometimes it does us all good to look at things from a different angle, or from a different perspective.
Here are a couple of photos of our Church, taken one Tuesday last week by a parishioner Citlali, that show St George's Church upon nature's beautiful canvas.

Faitrade Stall

Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall on Sunday.

Goods the value of £183 were sold - £133 morning Mass and £50 at evening Mass.

Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

Canon Jerry Jubilee Mass - Sun 9th June - more photos

It really was a lovely celebration at morning Mass yesterday. Here are some photos courtesy of Ines and Lars.

Canon Jerry - 50th Anniversary of Ordination - 8th June 2024
Please join with us today to congratulate Canon Jerry on his Golden Jubilee as a priest!
First Holy Communion - Saturday 1st June
Our Lovely flower display in Church ready for the First Holy Communion Mass at 11a.m
Laudato Si Week 19th May to 26th May 2024
This week is Laudato Si week and marks the anniversary of Pope Francis' landmark encyclical on Care for Creation.
We can all play a part in caring for the environment and, at St George's, our Laudato Si Group has produced the attached newsletter for parishioners and followers.
You can download it from this link.
The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) opened its first charity shop in York at the end of April.
The address is: 273 Melrosegate York YO10 3SN (formerly Alan Bott).
Parking is available round the back, accessible from Melrosegate.
Donations of quality, saleable items are very welcome.
Please support this important venture as the SVP does a lot of important work supporting those in need within St George’s Parish.
Also, if you are interested in volunteering, please call into the shop and introduce yourself to Kevin, the Manager.
SVP Mass of Anointing - Thursday 2nd May
Thank you to Canon Jerry, Canon Harney and Canon Ryan for a very prayerful, comforting and healing Mass yesterday morning.
And thank you to the SVP members for organising the get together afterwards for people to chat and build community.
Thank you to Lars and Seamus for some great photos to capture the event and to Normal Fowler and the choir for some lovely music.
Fairtrade Stall 
Thank you to everyone for your generous support of the Fairtrade stall and people in developing countries.
£142 worth of goods were sold, £107 after morning Mass and £35 after evening Mass last Sunday.
The next stalls will be after both Masses on Sunday 19th May
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis
Laudato Si Update
It was a wonderful pre-morning Mass Meditation on the subject of Ecological Education yesterday for those who attended.
We are not posing any questions for written answers at Mass any more. Thank you to everybody who did respond. We have taken note of your answers.
However, the Holy Spirit is very evidently at work in our parish, demonstrated by the wonderful response to any requests that have been made eg bringing materials for recycling; clothes/shoes for Carecent; old computers and Smartphones for recycling to those who do not have any; and recently a mountain of 'spiritual' books donated for borrowing.
Thank you so much again for your wonderful generosity.
Laudato Si at St George's this Sunday 7th April
The next ‘ Laudato Si’Goal that we shall be considering on Sunday 7th April is Ecological Education.
This is a rather grand name for learning how to love God, to look after mind, body and soul and our Common Home, to understand our priorities and how they shape our interaction with the world.
In our families, parishes, schools and universities, our local community and our natural surroundings, ‘ecological education’ enables us to translate our learning into habits and behaviour that puts care of God’s creation above self interest.
There will be a short meditation on this topic in the Lady Chapel from 9.15 am before morning Mass next Sunday, led by a member of the Laudato Si group.
Please come and make use of this time of prayer for all of us gain insight into how we can work together for God’s creation.
Everyone is welcome, whether you’ve been involved with Laudato Si before or not.
April Catholic Voice

St George's is featured again in the April issue of The Catholic Voice.
A lovely photo of our Goan Community celebrating the feast of St Francis Xavier is on page 3.

Catholic Voice is produced by The Diocese of Middlesbrough and can be collected in newspaper format from the back of Church or can now be viewed online at:
Palm Sunday Procession
Some lovely photos by Lars from yesterday morning's Palm Sunday Mass & Procession.
There definitely seems to be a sense of anticipation for Holy Week this week.

Norman McNichol RIP
Today we paid tribute to long standing St George's parishioner, Norman McNichol, as Canon Jerry celebrated a Memorial Service with Norman's family and friends at St George's Church.
Norman was a regular attender at St George's and during the pandemic used to catch the bus, from Selby and back, in order to attend Sunday morning Mass at St George's.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

St George's Fairtrade Stall

Thank you to everyone for your generous support of the Fairtrade stall and people in developing countries.

A magnificent £308 worth of goods were sold, £244 after morning Mass and £64 after evening Mass last Sunday.

The next stalls will be after both Masses on Sunday 17th March. This is an Easter ‘Special’ for the sale of Easter eggs and chocolate, chocolate and small gifts suitable for Easter presents.

We may also have a small stock of coffees and jams/marmalades.

Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

Laudato Si – Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyes
This Sunday, 3rd March, the third Sunday in Lent, our Laudato Si group will resume the presentation of goals from Pope Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical. Next Sunday we shall be looking at the “Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles”, a very appropriate topic for Lent.
This goal encourages us to reflect on what it is to have enough, and to ensure that others, including future generations, will have enough. It encourages us to recognise the need to limit ourselves to a sufficient amount, rather than using the planet and its people as a means to our own comfort and convenience.
As we have done previously, before 10:30 Mass, at 9.15, we shall have a meditation on this week’s topic. We would like to welcome everybody to join this reflection.
2 printed questions relevant to this topic will be available on the benches in Church. We ask parishioners, if they wish, to take these home, to reflect on the questions, and to bring back the papers with their thoughts the following Sunday. There will be a box available near the entrance to Church to put these in.
We value your contributions as a way of going forward with Laudato Si in our parish. The conclusions from your contributions will be made available to the parish in our next Laudato Si newsletter
Fairtrade Stall
Many thanks to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall on Sunday.
Goods to the value of £235 were sold - £165 morning Mass and £70 evening Mass.
Again, apologies for not having the card reader available.
We will look to resolve this before the next stalls after both Masses on 10th and 17th March.
St Francis Xavier
The large and thriving Goan Community within St George’s Parish in York recently commemorated the Feast Day of St Francis Xavier with a special Mass celebrated by Canon Jerry.
This was a very special day for the Goan community as St Francis Xavier is the Patron Saint of Goa.
Here are some photos from the Mass.
You can read more about St Francis Xavier via this link:
What a great day we celebrated yesterday with Bishop Terry.
Here are some photos taken by Lars Karlsson.
Bishop Terry Visits St George's Primary School and Church
The Children and staff at St George's School had a fantastic morning yesterday with the lovely Bishop Terry! ❤️❤️❤️
Bishop Terry is celebrating both Masses with us at Church this Sunday 4th Feb at the usual times of 10:30am and 6:30pm.
St George's Fairtrade Stall - Sunday 14th January
Thank you to everyone who supported our Fairtrade Stall at Mass on Sunday.
Goods to the value of £189 were sold - £149 in the morning and £40 in the evening.
Sincere apologies that the card reader wasn’t working and hope to have it back up and running for the next stall on February 11th
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis
Fantastic Response to Collection of Unwanted IT at Mass Yesterday!
Thank you to those who responded to our appeal yesterday for unwanted mobile phones and laptops for donation to the York-based charity IT Reuse
All donations now safely delivered to the charity at their base in the York Community Furniture Store
If you have any further donations please message us or email us at rather than bringing items to Mass.
Synodal Listening Sessions at St George's Church
For anyone who is interested in knowing more about the Synod, what Pope Francis challenges us to do and who wants to have a go at putting it into practice.
There are four sessions coming up - and you can attend one or all of them - don't worry if you can't make them all.



St George's Fairtrade Stall in 2023
Thank you to all parishioners who have supported the Fairtrade Stall at morning and evening Mass throughout 2023.
Mainly thanks to your support, the stall has just about doubled the amount of money it has raised in 2023 compared to 2022.
This is a great result and special thanks must go to Dennis and Frances for running the stall and to Canon Jerry for his support throughout.
The next stall is at morning and evening Mass on Sunday 14th January and a full list of dates for the Fairtrade Stall in 2024 will be published in January.
A full copy of St George's Fairtrade 2023 Report can be viewed via this link:



Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall last Sunday.
Goods to the value of £350 (£260 Morning Mass £90 Evening Mass) were sold supporting people in the developing world to provide schools, clinics, etc for their own communities.
The next stall will be held on 14th January after both Masses.
Many thanks,
Frances & Dennis






You may have seen mention recently of Pope Francis' update on the Climate Crisis, timed to coincide with the UN COP28 Conference.


Our Laudato Si Group has produced a summary document (link below) which also contains a link to the full update.


Thank you to Citlali for kindly taking the time to produce this summary.





RIP JOHN MICHAEL HARDCASTLE (17th December 1946 - 24th June 2023)
Today we pay tribute to parishioner Michael Hardcastle (husband of Elizabeth Hardcastle) who died earlier this year.

The Order of Service for Michael's Requiem Mass on 20th July 2023 is replicated in full below.


May Michael's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.





Feast of St Francis Xavier - Patron Saint of Goa, India

This weekend we are reminded of the Feast Day of St Francis Xavier, a very special day for our thriving Goan community in St George’s Parish.


St. Francis Xavier is most honoured by the Catholic Church, for his missionary accomplishments particularly in Goa, India. He is one of the greatest Roman Catholic missionaries of modern times and was instrumental in the establishment of Christianity in Goa. He is now the patron Saint of Goa.


As a Jesuit, Francisco underwent and then, in turn, led others through the Spiritual Exercises of his great friend St. Ignatius Loyola. He worked in hospitals in Italy, caring for the sick and downtrodden before going to India. He set sail for India as the papal nuncio in 1541, reaching Goa on May 6, 1541. In Goa, he would walk through the streets, ringing a little bell, inviting anyone who would care to listen to him preach the Word of God. St. Francis Xavier was influential in evangelisation work, most notably in early modern India, Goa.


He died in a straw hut in 1552 on Sancian Island, off the Southern coast of China. The body of Saint Francis Xavier, lies in a silver casket in the Basilica of Bom Jesus, the Basilica being more than 400 years old. The body and arm of St. Francis Xavier is considered a first class relic


St. Francis Xavier was canonized by Gregory XV on March 12, 1622, and ranks among the greatest missionaries in Christian history. The Church asked for a relic. At the time it was considered evidence of his saintliness and the revered right arm, which did all the baptising, was severed at the request of the head of the Jesuit order and sent to Rome, where it is till this day.


The practice of venerating relics has been a Scripture-based tradition in the church for centuries. The decennial exposition of the Sacred Relics of St Francis Xavier, popularly known as “Gõycho Saib” will be held between November 21, 2024 and January 5, 2025 at Old Goa. The last exposition of the relics was held in 2014-15. This Spiritual event will draw thousands of pilgrims from all over the world, to pay their respects to St. Francis Xavier.


To commentate the feast, in St George’s Parish, a statue of St Francis Xavier (which has been specially shipped from Goa this year) will be blessed and installed on the altar between St Theresa and St Anthony, whilst a hymn is sung in Konkani (the Goan mother tongue).


Members of the Goan community will be providing light refreshments for all parishioners after Mass this Sunday morning, at the back of the church, to celebrate the feast.


Fairtrade Christmas Stall
Many thanks to everyone who supported the Christmas Special Fairtrade stalls on Sunday.
A total of £305 worth of goods were sold supporting people in the developing world - £235 after morning Mass and £70 after evening Mass.
The next stalls will be after both Masses on Sunday 10 December selling the usual products and a small range of Christmas goods.
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

It's always lovely to get a 'thank you' and some nice feedback, so our generous volunteers and parishioners were delighted to get this thank you card from the lovely volunteers at Carecent, for all the food donated at Church and the recent collections of winter coats.
And the food collections just keep on coming in - here's a photo that our parishioner volunteer Jim sent us.

Fantastic generosity from St George's parishioners last Sunday in donating nearly £400 for Restore York
Thank you to Lydia from the charity for a heartfelt presentation and thank you to Restore York for everything you do in York to give people in need a new start and somewhere to call home.

This Sunday we welcome Restore York - a local homeless charity - who will be speaking at both Masses.
St George's SVP is already supporting individual residents in Restore's houses and recently helped a formerly homeless person buy a carpet for their first home!
Restore provides homes and a resettlement program to help people off the streets and ready for a tenancy of their own. They also provide housing for Refugees.
I'm sure if you're at Mass on Sunday you will want to give Restore a traditionally warm St George's welcome!


A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall last Sunday.
A total of £250 worth of goods were sold (£175 at morning Mass and £75 at evening Mass).
The next stall will be a Christmas ‘Special’ after both Masses on Sunday 26th November when Christmas Cards, Advent calendars, jewellery, baubles, socks, and other small Fairtrade gifts will be available.
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

Our recent Laudato Si inspired Open Water Swim to celebrate the #SeasonOfCreation appears in this month's edition of The Diocese of Middlesbrough Voice publication.
Thank you to Maria and Ann R for leading the event and to Maria for the excellent write up.
You can now access the full edition online at
Happy Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul!
Today we honour the Saint in whose name thousands of volunteers all over the world have helped the poor and needy for over 190 years.
Known simply as “The SVP”, the motto of this organisation is “Turning Concern Into Action”.
Parishioners in St George’s SVP have been doing just that for the last 170 years.
So far this year St George’s SVP has:
- Provided practical support and financial help to 49 families and individuals in need, nearly half of these are families at our wonderful primary school
- Carried out 246 befriending visits to the sick and elderly, either in their own homes or at local Nursing and Residential Homes, amounting to around 200 hours of SVP members’ time
- Provided Christmas gifts for 27 children at our primary school and helped 1 family buy school uniform
- Supported local families in need to the tune of £600 of food and supermarket vouchers, to support them during this year’s ‘cost of living crisis’
- Organised spiritual and social events for our parishioners such as a Mass of Anointing of the Sick and a very successful trip to Bridlington for our parishioners
Our work also extends beyond just our Parish and the UK. St George’s SVP is ‘twinned’ with 2 communities in Kerala, India. Providing much needed financial support, prayers and often assistance with special projects, such as a recent project to help 10 families set up and run their own independent businesses in Kiliyoor.
Please pray for the work of our SVP and its many beneficiaries and if you would like to know more or want to get involved click on our website link at:
We regularly visit 6 residential and nursing homes in the Parish as well as housebound parishioners in their own homes.
So, if you would like us to visit a family member or you know of parishioners who no longer attend Mass post-Covid, and could benefit from a friendly 30-minute chat, you can contact us in complete confidence or speak to one of the SVP members after Mass.
May God Bless St Vincent de Paul and the work of the society named in his honour.
Photos from a lovely afternoon joint service last Sunday with St Lawrence Parish Church, York for #SeasonofCreation2023
Thank you to our parishioners for participating in the first session of our Laudato Si programme.
The answers to the questions asked have been summarised and will appear in the next Laudato Si’ newsletter.
Our next session, will be about ‘The Cry of the Poor’ on Sunday 1st October, at the end of the Season of Creation, and will have a similar format to the first session ie meditation/reflection in the Lady Chapel, open to everyone before morning Mass.
During the sermon, parishioners will be asked to reflect upon, talk about and write answers to two questions related to Cry of the Poor.
This goal encourages us to listen and be merciful to the cries of the vulnerable, voiceless, suffering, exploited, lonely, sick, poor and hungry, and to recognise the part that we, through our lifestyle choices, play in bringing about their poverty.’
Parishioners were blessed with perfect weather for the Parish trip to Bridlington and Sewerby Hall yesterday, organised by St George's SVP.
Lots of happy smiling faces and the fish and chip lunch went down well too!
Laudato Si is the name Pope Francis gave to his letter to us all of us urging us as Parishes and individuals to do more to “Care for Our Common Home” (the English translation of “Laudato Si”).
You will have seen a number of references over the last few weeks to St George’s Laudato Si Group, which was formed just over a year ago.
We thought it would be useful to share the Vision of the Group, which is meant to answer the question:
“Why are we responding to Laudato Si”?
The answer, put very simply is that:
“We believe it is our Joyful Christian Mission and Duty to care for God’s Creation and to pass on a World fit for our grandchildren to live in peace.”
Do you agree?
Do you disagree?
What do you think?
Let’s get the conversation going – send us a message or leave a comment on our Facebook page please.

This is the cover of the English edition of Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment, "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home." The long-anticipated encyclical was released at the Vatican June 18. (CNS photo/courtesy U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) See stories slugged ENCYCLICAL- June 18, 2015.

It's surprising what you see when you go for a walk in Nature.....
Here are just some of the things our walkers after morning Mass yesterday spotted on the way from Church to the Millennium Bridge.
A combination of local residents and St Nicholas Fields Nature Reserve are planting and rewilding the grass verge between Blue Bridge and the Millennium Bridge to attract more of nature's wonderful species.
Oh ..... and there's also the ice cream boat - which always helps reward the walkers!
Listen here to a short clip of parishioner Rachel Trend speaking on Radio York this morning ahead of Saturday's #pilgrimagefortheplanet event.
Here's the link and the clip is 1hr 52mins and 30 seconds in.
Great things can happen when different faiths come together with one voice and one message.
Here are some photos of parishioners taking part in the event on Saturday.
Our programme of events to mark the Season of Creation, organised by the Laudato Si Group at Church, got off to a great start last weekend, with not only the Open Water Swim on Saturday, but also the first Reflection and Discussion Session immediately before morning Mass last Sunday.
The small group that met took the opportunity to reflect on what ‘the Cry of the Earth’ means - a wonderful opportunity for us to be still together with some words of Scripture and some thoughts from Pope Francis’s encyclical.
In his sermon Canon Jerry also made the links between the day’s readings and the theme of the day.
One line which stood out especially in relation to what we are trying to achieve through responding to Laudato Si’ is from Romans 12:1-2:
‘Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you, but let your behaviour change, modelled by your new mind.’
Thank you to those parishioners who responded to our questionnaire during Mass, relating to our response as individuals and as a Parish to ‘the Cry of the Earth’.
An anonymised summary of the 30 or so responses will be available soon and we will be tracking what we are doing throughout the year in relation to Laudato Si on the noticeboard at the back of Church.
You may also spot our new Laudato Si’ banner at Church, particularly when something a little different is happening.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall at Mass and producers in the developing world last Sunday.
Goods to the value of £171 (£127 morning Mass and £44 evening Mass) were sold.
And thank you to Dennis and Frances who organise and run the stall.
St George's Parishioners Mark the Beginning of the "The Season of Creation"
“But let justice flow like water, and righteousness, like an unfailing stream”
To begin the season of Creation, Laudato Si invited parishioners to immerse themselves in Nature – to enjoy creation.
The idea was inspired by the Laudato Si Movement's desire to fall in love with creation again. From this springs the fierce desire to care for and protect what we have.
What better way than a walk and/or swim in a beautiful landscape and chat about ideas over food and drink afterwards!
It was a joyful day beginning with Mass and ending with soggy towels, muddy feet, much appreciated snacks and a sense of creativity and freedom.
What a lovely day, as St George's parishioners head off after morning Mass on Saturday 2nd Sept for an open water swim at
Pool Bridge Farm in York to celebrate the start of the #SeasonofCreation2023
Listen out at Mass this weekend for more information on the start of ‘The Season of Creation’ programme of events next Sunday 3 September.
Members of St George’s Laudato Si group will be launching a programme for parishioners to help us all explore some of the treasures of Pope Francis’s wonderful teaching ‘Care of Our Common Home’.
The first theme we will be considering is:
“Our Response to the Cry of The Earth”.
Pope Francis’ teaching suggests that:
'Due to an ill-considered exploitation of nature, humanity runs the risk of destroying it and becoming, in turn, a victim of this degradation'
A reminder that the Funeral Mass for Barry England is at 11am tomorrow morning, 22nd August, at St George's Church.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen



Beginning on Sunday 3 September, to mark the start of ‘The Season of Creation’ members of St George’s Laudato Si group will be launching a programme for parishioners to help us all explore some of the treasures of Pope Francis’s wonderful teaching ‘Care of Our Common Home’. 


Climate change is presently wreaking terrible damage on our Common Home and its peoples. 


We are hoping that looking at this teaching together might give us strength and hope to look at the world with different eyes and a change of heart, and inspire us to take appropriate action as individuals and as a Parish. 


Listen out at Mass next Sunday 27 August for more details on how this will work.

Thank you to everyone who supported the stall on Sunday.
A total of £123 worth of goods was sold - £80 after morning Mass and £43 after evening Mass.
A very good result during the holiday season.
The September Stall will be on 3rd September i.e. the FIRST Sunday of the month and not the usual second Sunday.
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis
Today we pay tribute to Mary Sellers, a long standing parishioner of St George's Church whose funeral took place last week.
In words adapted from the Eulogy delivered by her son Andrew at the Requiem Mass.
To see a full transcript of the Eulogy please follow this link:
"Mary was born in York and her family has a long association with St George’s Church – her parents were married in St George’s in 1934. Even the lectern in Church was a sort of gift from the Sellers family.
Mary had a happy childhood in Langholme Drive, a place she seemed to recall mostly by the smells of the air - the smell of coal fires and of the sugar beet factory, and of the sweet peas tied up against the garden shed.
As a child, she joined the Guides, and got all the way to the highest ‘rank’ in that organisation, that of “Queens Guide”, an achievement of which she was very proud. And it was also an achievement which she was effortlessly able to shoehorn into any conversation, apparently at random. But Mary was also a child who was born during the time when she remembered huddling in the Andersen shelter, when the German bombers came.
And then, a career in nursing, where she started lifelong friendships with Eileen (Grey) & Patricia (Holder), and a career dedicated to helping others, a career of selfless dedication to the welfare of her fellow men and women.
And then, one Friday evening, she took a circuitous way back from the restrooms in the Assembly Rooms, so she would deliberately walk past my Dad and deliberately catch his eye, which she of course did.
And then marriage, and a teacher and a nurse buying a brand new three-bedroom house for 2,350 pounds, & filling it with happy children.
And then back to work, first as a district nurse, and then on to her last job, which is the one upon which we must dwell…
Because it is impossible to talk about Mary without referencing the work she did as a Macmillan nurse. She was one of the first. What type of person would decide just to care for patients who were inevitably going to die? Only a person with enormous reserves of moral and spiritual courage. But Mary said once that she suddenly realised with stunning brutality that she had gone from being a nurse where she would be able to help people to get better, to heal, to being in a job where every patient, every single patient she tended to would, inevitably, die.
Where did this tiny bird of a woman find the inner reserves of strength, to do what she did, for so many years? A fearlessness, a practicality, a level of moral and spiritual courage that is difficult to believe, hard to comprehend….
Where did this little slip of a woman develop the fortitude to be able to shoulder the moral decisions needed in helping a person to face their own death? She was an extraordinary woman…
As a Macmillan Nurse, Mary met Princess Diana at Garrowby Hall in [February] 1983. Mary seized the opportunity, when Diana asked about her work, and its difficulties, to give Diana a look which said “Yes, but you don’t know the half of it”. And Princess Diana picked up on this, because she sought Mary out later, and took her aside privately, and asked he what the problem was. And Mary told her how no nurses with young families could be expected to be taking phone calls from dying patients in the middle of the night on their home phone numbers. And Princess Diana did her thing, and she told the boss of the Macmillan foundation precisely what she thought about the matter, and within days, a new rule was made, that Macmillan nurses should not have to give their phone numbers out to patients.
So, that was always something in Mary’s life of which she was particularly proud, her interaction with Princess Diana, and having had a hand in making life that little bit easier for the Macmillan nurses that came after her….
But of course, in one of the cruelest of ironies, the last cancer patient she ever cared for was her own husband. Mary faced that task with the same discipline and kind-heartedness as anything that had gone before. And her life was filled with other singular tragedies, she lost her daughter Margaret to multiple sclerosis less than ten years ago, her son Bernard was killed in a tragic accident as a young boy, and her youngest son, Peter, died in infancy…her husband Peter was taken from her before they could enjoy a long and happy retirement together…
But through all of these singular tragedies, she retained an overwhelming joy of life, a love of all the good friendships she had made, and she was a person who enjoyed the respect of everyone who knew her.
She led a good life, and died in her own home, or her own terms; Death will have held no fear for a woman like Mary. She’d seen all her family recently, and she was active and sprightly right up until the last. A cup of tea in the morning, and then her big, caring, generous heart just gave out…
Mary Sellers was the best of us, as courageous a person as one can find on this Earth, never hesitating to take the hands of those people who reached out to her. And where Mary has gone, Peter and her children will be there to greet her, and she’ll be able to hold out her hands to them, and all will be well…."
Some photos from the Mass and the lunch afterwards at the Phoenix.
Thanks to everyone who attended, to Lars for the photos, Rosa and Norman for the music, Canons Jerry, Harney & Ryan for concelebrating the Mass, the Junior Chaplaincy pupils of St George's Roman Catholic Primary School for helping with thd Mass, the Phoenix pub and Julie's Caterers for the hospitality and above all to Seamus O Neill and the SVP for organising the event and making it such a success.
Great to read that St George's and Carmelite Monastery - Thicket Priory - York get a mention in this month's issue of The Catholic Voice produced by The Diocese of Middlesbrough
You can now read the paper online via this link:

Here's a lovely photo of the St George's team at Lourdes last week, supplied by parishioner Martin Thorpe.

You may or may not have heard about  "Laudato Si" week around the world.
Here is a short video on what that means for us, both as a Church and as individuals:
Our Tea and Coffee in Church after Sunday morning Mass on the first Sunday of the month is proving very popular.
Would you be willing to volunteer to be on the rota to help make the tea and coffee one Sunday?
We are now in search of more volunteers to add to the team.
Please contact Martin Thorpe at morning Mass or email him at if you can help.
A very big thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall last Sunday.
Goods to the value of £180 were sold (£120 morning Mass and £80 evening Mass).
The next stalls will be on Sunday 11 June after both Masses.
Many thanks,
Frances & Dennis
Thank you to Katy and Carla for leading the children on a lovely May Procession to Our Lady Altar this morning as part of 10:30 Mass.
Thank you to Lars for the photos.
Another beautiful flower arrangement by Patricia on Our Lady's Altar to celebrate our May Procession on Sunday, 14th May, during 10.30 Mass.
Thank you Patricia!


Are you able to support The HOPING Kitchen in York, jointly run by parishioner Helen Meadows? They need delivery drivers/cyclists to support food delivery to local food banks, food providers and community cafes. Would suit people who can be available on an ad hoc basis. Email or let Canon Jerry know if you can help please.

Here are two beautiful displays that Patricia has skillfully prepared for our Church this weekend to mark the Coronation.
How blessed St George's is to have so many very talented and generous volunteers!
Enjoy the Coronation Celebrations this weekend.
God Save The King
Anne, another of our recent volunteer recruits, who transport the collections to Carecent York each week. Thank you Anne for your generous donation of time for the Parish.


We've had a great response to our recent appeal for volunteers to help with the deliveries of food to Carecent from the Church.
Thank you to Steve, Janet, Ann, Dillon, Paddy and David for coming forward to share the load with Jim and Anne.
Here is Anne delivering this week's donations:


Easter Sunday Flowers
More photos of our lovely Easter flowers at Church this morning, arranged by Patricia.
Thanks to Lars for the photos

Happy Easter to all our readers and followers everywhere!
Thank you to Patricia for providing such a beautiful flower arrangement for our Easter Sunday service.

Some photos from last night's Mass of The Lords Supper taken by Lars Karlsson.

What a beautiful morning yesterday to commence Holy Week Services with our Palm Sunday Procession.

We enjoyed an excellent Fairtrade stall last Sunday with takings of £276 (£137 after the morning Mass and £139 after the evening Mass).
A big thank you and very well done to everyone who supports the stall.
There won’t be a stall on Easter Sunday so the next one will be on Sunday 14 May after both Masses. By then you will all want to satisfy your craving for chocolate in all its forms.
If you don’t have a taste for chocolate you can always try the teas, coffees, jams, marmalades and other goodies on offer.
All purchases help the producers in the developing world provide schools, clinics, clean water, etc – all things we take for granted.
Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis


There's still time to donate to our St George's team who yesterday completed their final Lent Walk from Heslington to evening Mass at St St. George's, York.
Thank you to those who have donated to Cafod already - you can still donate online to support our efforts


St George's again features in April's Catholic Voice - this time covering our screening of Pope Francis' Film - The Letter earlier this year


Carecent York is very much in need of tinned items at this time especially Spam, Tinned Hams, Hot Dogs, Tomatoes and Beans.
Please donate what you are able to this weekend at Mass and our volunteers will deliver this to Carecent in York.
Shaving foam and disposable razors are also needed please if you are able to donate.
many thanks



Very many thanks to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall on Sunday.


A fantastic £234 worth of goods were sold (£167 after morning Mass and £67 after evening Mass).


Thank you for supporting farmers in the developing world to produce the goods we enjoy as well as providing their communities, through the Fairtrade Premium, with schools, clinics, housing and water – all things we take for granted.


The next stalls will be held on Sunday 26 March after both Masses.


Cash sales only please.


Very many thanks,

Frances & Dennis


More lovely photos from our Parish Retreat last Saturday at Carmelite Monastery - Thicket Priory - York.
Photos courtesy of Lars Karlsson our photographer.


Some early photos from our very successful Parish Retreat today at Carmelite Monastery - Thicket Priory - York.
Thank you so much to the Sisters for hosting our day and for looking after us so well.
More photos to follow early next week thanks to our photographer Lars Karlsson.


It's fair to say that we've been completely overwhelmed, in a good way, both practically and emotionally, by the amount of food donations over the past 2 weekends for Carecent York and the Warm Spaces at Central Methodist Church York
We've had to draft in new helpers in the form of university student Dillon Scott who helped Jim Sunney deliver this week's donations to a very grateful Kiera Snaith and Jill. (welcome on board Dillon)
Thank you so much to St George's parishioners for your generosity.
The Holy Spirit is very much at work within our community!


Watch out for our article on the remembrance service in the March edition of the Catholic Voice.
You can see the online version of The Voice by following this link:
Can you spare an hour per week to visit a housebound or lonely parishioner?
Under the guidance of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) we have a small group of volunteers who do this on a regular basis.
We are looking to grow this team so we can visit more people.
If you can help please speak to Canon Jerry or Jim Sunney or email the SVP at
Thank you
St George’s Church has always prided itself on giving visitors and parishioners a warm welcome at the back of church when they come in.
We are looking to expand our friendly team of welcomers and wondered if any one of you can help.
If you would be willing to join the monthly rota for this very important ministry please give your name to Canon Jerry or to one of the welcomers at the back of Church. Or email us at
As part of our ongoing support of Carecent and Warm Spaces in York, Canon dropped in last Wednesday to the Warm Space hosted by Deacon Judith and her lovely team at the Central Methodist Church York.
Jerry was able to meet and chat with some of the regulars over a cup of tea, listening to their stories, sharing in activities and understanding more about just why we support this very important initiative in the city.
Please keep donating food at St. George's, York as it is greatly appreciated by the people who drop in to the sessions.
One fella described to me how he "comes here to just sit quietly and get my head together - nobody hassles you here and there's always a friendly face and cup of tea"
God bless Deacon Judith and the team for running this facility.
I left feeling privileged that our Church is supporting this initiative.
PARISH RETREAT - Carmelite Monastery - Thicket Priory - York - SATURDAY 11TH MARCH
It’s a big thing for us to get together as a community around the Word of God.
We haven’t done this as a Parish for quite a while and it will be something special in Lent as we prepare for Easter.
The timings for the day are to arrive at Thicket Priory from 10:30am for an 11:00am start.
Please bring a packed lunch and tea and coffee will be provided on the day. We will aim to finish by 3:30pm.
We are hoping to have some paper slips at Mass this weekend for you to put your name down to attend, so we can gauge numbers, and to say whether you need a lift, or can offer a lift.
The address is Carmelite Monastery - Thicket Priory Thorganby, York YO19 6DE. Everyone is welcome.
St George's SVP Members, past and present, gathered yesterday at Fulford Golf Club to say thank you to Steve and Pat Holder for their long and dedicated service to the St Vincent de Paul Society in St George's Parish.
As Steve and Pat Holder retire from their positions on the SVP they can look back with a great deal of pride on all they have contributed to both the Parish and the wider community of York.
Steve has been part of St George’s parish for over 70 years, from serving as a young altar boy. He joined the SVP in 1975 and again in 2005, serving as SVP President for the past 12 years.
A policeman by career, Steve can claim the honour of having been responsible for the security of Pope John Paul II during his visit to York in 1982.
Patricia (Pat) was one of the first female members of St George’s SVP in 1987 and since then has made numerous visits to the elderly and needy throughout the parish, which is a key objective of the SVP.
Pat had a long career as a nurse and her considerable contribution to parish life also extends to St George’s School where Pat was a School Governor for 10 years including Chair of Governors, for which she demonstrated exceptional leadership and care for others.
Thank you Steve and Pat from the SVP and the parishioners of St Georges Church.
St George’s SVP Conference is currently going through a period of renewal.
We are inspired to answer the call every Christian receives to seek and find those who are forgotten and to bring the love of Christ to the suffering and deprived.
Our Vision is for individuals and families who are in any form of need to have hope, together with a sense of dignity, worth, well-being and peace of mind.
Our Mission is to seek and find those in need, help them in a spirit of justice and tackle poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance.
If you are interested in our work, want to find out more, get involved or know of anyone who needs our help please email us in confidence at or phone us on 01904623728 and leave a message for the SVP
You can find out more about the SVP by following this link
Last Wednesday Canon Jerry was invited to visit York Mosque by Imam Ammar.
Here are Canon's reflections on the visit:
“I was taken on a visit to York Mosque on Bull Lane York by Dave Harper and Shazad Hussain (being our driver , even though it is only across the road!)
It was a very pleasant visit. Shazad invited us to see the area where the attendees to prayer wash their hands and feet (called ablutions) before attending midday prayers.
The respect they showed to each other and to us was most touching.
After prayers Imam Ammar took us to an upper room where we sat with the him and scholar Harris Lloyd.
We had a lovely sharing on all we had in common and all we shared by way of stresses and strains of life. We had our differences too:
- The family of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit is not in Islamic thinking. While Jesus is the son of Mary for the Muslims - no way is he the Son of God!
He is a prophet like Moses, Abraham and Mohammed, peace be upon him.
We learned about the Muslim burial rites and what happens to souls after death in the Islamic faith.
You name it and we had a bit of interesting sharing on the subject.
I learned a lot from their faith and how they see things.
They are good human beings with a great gift of hospitality.
It was a great positive experience.
"St Georges is Great"!
It's always great to experience that 'feel-good factor' that comes when you get great feedback.
And so it happened that when another of our parishioners doing great work for the Church and community, Jim Sunney, delivered the latest batch of donated food to Carecent York, the project leader there said "St George's is just great!".
Jim tells me last weekend's food donation by parishioners was the largest to date.
We have been supporting Carecent now for the last 2 months and your generosity as parishioners is humbling to see. Thank you to all who have donated and supported the effort in some way.
It is very much appreciated and makes St. George's, York the great Parish Community that it is.
A very moving and thought provoking screening of the climate change film by Pope Francis - The Letter - last night.
"Encouraged", "Shattered", "Enlightened" were just some of the words parishioners used to describe how the film made them feel.
We all agreed that there is a lot that we can do as a parish to respond to the climate emergency call from our Holy Father.
So, watch this space over the coming weeks and months for more updates from our Laudato Si group within the parish.
We're conscious that a number of people who wanted to attend had other commitments last night, so we will schedule a repeat screening soon if the demand is there.
Please email if you would like to attend a screening of the film.
..... and thank you to St Lawrence Parish Church, York for the use of their excellent facilities.
Here's another St George's parishioner doing great work volunteering as part of the Wednesday Breakfast Team at 
You'll maybe recognise Bernie in blue on the right with her colleagues Jill and June ( not from. St George's).
Well done Bernie, Jill and June and thank you for all you do for those in need in York.


Very many thanks to everyone who supported the Fairtrade Stall last Sunday at Mass.
A very satisfying £95 worth of goods was sold all in support of producers in the developing world.

The next Fairtrade Stall will be on Sunday 12th February.

Very many thanks,
Frances & Dennis

Emeritus Pope Benedict has with peace gone to his eternal reward. I once spoke to a student of his in Germany and he described him "as a gentle person with a tremendous intellect " May he now rest in peace
Fr Jerry
What a pleasure it was to visit Deacon Judith and her dedicated team at the Wednesday afternoon Warm Spaces hosted at Central Methodist Church York
St. George's, York parishioners have recently added their support to this important initiative by providing cakes and biscuits each week, in addition to the tinned food donations for Carecent York at the same venue.
What did we learn? - That sometimes the most important thing that people need is a warm safe space, warm cup of tea and some friends to do a jigsaw puzzle with. Oh.... and chocolates always help at this time of year!
Thank you to Canon Jerry and Deacon Antonio and to all who helped make last night's Carol Service so special. The Church looked wonderful by candlelight and the music was superb.
Photos by Lars Karlsson
We’ve been overwhelmed by your generosity each Sunday giving food for the homeless and those in need at Carecent York

Thank you for this and thank you to Jim Sunney for transporting it all to carecent each week.

The bishop has recently asked all parishes to think about whether they can provide warm spaces for people to come during the week if they are struggling to stay warm for whatever reason.

Central Methodist Church York in St Saviourgate already provide warm spaces each weekday afternoon and therefore one of the best ways that St Georges can help with this is to provide the cakes and biscuits they need when people drop in for a cuppa and to keep warm.

So in addition to the tinned food we collect each Sunday could you also please consider bringing any packs of biscuits and cakes that you can afford to donate.

Many thanks

If you or anyone you know is struggling to stay warm during the day there are a number of 'warm spaces' (also known as warm banks) in York that you can visit. Some do free drinks, or you might want a chat or simply to keep warm.
Visit and click 'warm spaces'
Thank you to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall last Sunday after morning Mass.
Goods to the value of £120 were sold.
The next Fairtrade stall will be on Sunday 8 January for the sale of cereals, teas, coffees, biscuits, chocolate, jams and other fairly traded items
Very many thanks,
Frances and Dennis
Thank you again for the food donations this weekend at Mass for Carecent York.
And thanks to Jim Sunney for doing the drop off at Carecent each week.
Now more than ever we appreciate the need for a warm breakfast meal for those who for whatever reason cannot afford one.
RIP Annie Ryan 24.02.67 - 21.10.22
It is our privilege as a Parish to pay tribute to Anne Josephine Mary Ryan (known to many as Annie) who passed away recently.
In the words of her sister.......
"Annie was the 3rd of 5 children born in Harpenden, “down south” as she would say!!!
Out of all of us she had a strong a unique character.
Beautiful, Caring, Loving & Intelligent. Alongside this, the fact that she was a typical “Fiery Redhead” who was Independent, Individual and at times could be quite Hot Headed.
After primary school Annie attended Loreto College, an all girls Convent School. She enjoyed most of school life and in particular History and English, BUT she was the talkative one in class and slightly rebellious, and one occasion the poor nuns had to have a few quiet words with her and particularly when she turned up for school one day, both sides of her head shaved and dyed blue and black! She always had her own style and individual character.
After Loreto College, Annie went on to do a Business Studies/Retail course (fashion). We all thought this would be her career path. Alongside this she would help her dad in his electrical shop and also helped out at the local Mencap Home in Harpenden. This was where she decided that her career would involve looking after those less fortunate than herself and in particular those with disabilities. She always had a strong sense for Social Justice and for people’s rights.
Annie studied for her degree in Sociology and Psychology at Wolverhampton Poly and alongside her studies again she worked with people at Mencap. It was while she was at Woverhampton, she met her lifelong friend Loretta who was always a great strength to Annie, and they both shared many special times together, we thank you for your love and care to her.
After graduating, Annie came to York, a city she truly loved, to study for her MA in Social Studies. Annie wanted to pursue a career in Social Services/Policy.
She wanted to make a difference to people’s lives and this she did.
Annie will be remembered for her:
Her Caring Nature
Her Strong Faith
Her love of music and of course her love of clothes and in particular Monsoon, her favourite shop in town!!!
Annie: a loving Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Niece, Cousin and friend. She is now free from pain and the sadness that she endured for so many years. She is on her journey to be back with her dad and brother, and we know she will be helping them to guide us until we all meet again.
Dear Annie you will be missed.
May she Rest in Peace."
May Annie's soul and the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
A magnificent response from St George's parishioners in the first week of our appeal for food donations at Mass for Carecent York.
These were safely dropped off at Carecent this morning by parishioner Jim Sunney.
Thanks to Jim and thanks to all who donated food this Sunday.
You can continue to leave tinned food you can afford to donate at the back of Church each Sunday.
What a very moving and comforting Remembrance Service last night at Church.
Thank you to Ann for all the preparations and Canon for a very sincere and heartfelt homily and service.
Thanks also to Antonia and Linda for the candles and the tea and coffee afterwards, to Dave and Ann for welcoming duties and to the family who distributed the stars for people to write the names of their departed loved ones for the tree.
Some great photos thanks to Lars Karlson.
Following on from the very generous donations of shoes for Carecent, we will be re-starting the weekly collections of food for Carecent.
Carecent is a breakfast centre for all homeless, unemployed or socially excluded members of our community. It is based at Central Methodist Church in the centre of York.
They are desperately in need of tinned foods especially spam, tinned ham, hot dogs, corned beef and baked beans. Sugar and chocolate biscuits are always very welcome too.
There will be a basket at the back of Church for each Mass from Sunday 27 November for you to leave whatever you can afford to donate.
Many thanks!
Many thanks to everyone who supported the Fairtrade stall on Sunday. An excellent £194 worth of goods were sold.
The next stall will be on Sunday 11 December for the sale of the usual Fairtrade goods, Christmas cards and stocking fillers.
An Appeal from the Caritas Social Action Network
Dennis and Frances would like to thank everyone at Church who supported the Fairtrade stall on Sunday. We raised a very handsome £185 from the sale of Fairtrade goods.
The next stall will be a special Christmas stall on Sunday 20 November when Advent Calendars, Christmas cards and Christmas gifts will be on sale
Here is the Laudato Si November Newsletter with a range of events and initiatives to get involved in as we contribute to Cafod's Live Simply award.
Click on this link to see the newsletter:
If you would like us to email you a copy of the newsletter each month, please let us know by emailing
St George's Church shoe and money donations have been safely delivered to the lovely people at Carecent York.
Thank you to all parishioners who contributed.
You may have read recently about St George's Church commitment to work towards becoming a CAFOD Live Simply Parish.
The work that Dennis and Frances currently do for Fairtrade every 2nd Sunday of each month is very much part of the Live Simply approach.
Last Sunday, Fairtrade goods to the value of £157 were sold and Dennis and Frances pass on their heartfelt thanks to parishioners who bought from the stall at the back of Church.
The next stalls will be held on;
Sunday 13 November for the sale of Fairtrade goods, Christmas Cards & Advent Calendars
Sunday 20 November for the sale of Christmas Cards, Advent Calendar & Christmas gifts
Sunday 11 December for the sale of Fairtrade goods, Christmas cards & gifts.
The Catholic Voice is now available online by following this link:
Congratulations to the wonderful young people who made their 1st Holy Communion at St George's recently, and their parents.
A couple of photos of our parishioners on the Pilgrimage to Lourdes last week. Thank you to Maureen for submitting these.


An important update below about the Holy Mass Obligation:


Ellen, a student intern for Moving Minds, has let us know about a free weekly creative movement session for adults affected by dementia at York St John University.
No prior dance experience is necessary, sessions are accessible for all including those who need to remain seated! Dance has been proven to have significant benefits for people with dementia, including stress reduction, improvement in mood as well as boosting social interaction and combating isolation. 

Sessions are delivered by professional and experienced facilitators along with student volunteers. The sessions are held 1:30-2:30 on a Wednesday with time for refreshments afterwards in the dance studio at York St John University. 

If this is something you feel might benefit you or people you know please contact Ellen or Chelsea at the university on:


Some years ago the pupils from All Saints Catholic School in York donated art work to our Easter/Lent display. These are now available to purchase (for a donation to the school) and can be seen on the Lady Altar.
From 27th January 2022 the wearing of masks in Church during an act of worship is no longer compulsory.
The government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet.
Therefore, if you are concerned for your own health or that of others present please feel free to continue to wear your mask in Church.
As we all try to make small changes to get back to celebrating Mass in person, we have decided to discontinue the streaming of Sunday morning Mass after this Sunday 16th Jan.
Viewing numbers have dropped off significantly in the last 2 months, which hopefully is a sign that more parishioners are able to attend Mass in person.
If for any reason you are still relying on a regular stream of Mass then there are very good alternatives from the Cathedral at Middlesbrough:
and from Walsingham Priory:




SYNOD UPDATE: The Diocesan Report is available to read online at

It is also in the July edition of The Voice - the diocesan newspaper available free at the back of church.  Please take one.

You can download and read a copy of the National Synthesis from the Bishops of England and Wales as well as a reflection on it here

Fr Jerry, Marika Gatt Sacco, Marcel Gatt, Damian Rooney, Katy Iggulden
Norman Fowler, former Head Teacher of St George's School, has very kindly written a heartfelt and moving tribute to Rosemary for us, as follows:
Rosemary died on Christmas Eve after being hospitalised after a serious fall the previous day.
Rosemary was an extraordinary woman loved by everyone who met her. People quickly realised that this energetic talented lady was there to help.
Rosemary wanted nothing in return but her kindness and talent touched so many lives. As a consequence she was valued and respected around the City. Countless children’s and adult’s lives were enriched by knowing her.
She loved the world and cared for it by taking on tasks which made the world a better place. Rosemary was a joy giver and a positive, life enhancing force.
She was a teaching assistant at St George’s School where her contribution to the life of the school had many parents believing that she was the deputy headteacher! She was always there for the children and the staff.
The plays presented in school or in various theatres around York were always outstanding due in large part to her attention to detail and her thoroughness. She took charge of the set design and costumes, every last detail.
The garden at school was designed by her and she engaged the children in all aspects of the work.
Rosemary’s contribution to the life of the city was multifarious, too much to encompass in this brief account. Suffice to say she is irreplaceable.
We send our love and prayers to her family and thank God for the life of this wonderful woman.
Norman Fowler
May the soul of Rosemary and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.

We restarted Children's Liturgy at Sunday morning Mass for any school age children who haven't made their First Holy Communion. More details by following this link:

Children's Liturgy


The thoughts and prayers of all the parish are with Martin, Benedict and Lucy Thorpe at this time. Debbie passed away peacefully on Sunday evening after a long and brave resistance to a most debilitating health condition. Throughout, Debbie never lost her faith and attended Mass with Martin whenever practical. Martin and Debbie have been an inspiration to many in the parish for their positivity and patience throughout the last decade. RIP Debbie.

We have been very moved by the number of messages and tributes that have followed the news of Seamus passing away earlier this week. We thought parishioners would like to read more about his various ministries.
Seamus was born in Mount Bellew, County Galway on 28 July 1930. He went to St Patrick’s Seminary in Thurles and was ordained on 10 June 1956. His first parish as a curate was at Corpus Christi in Hull from 1956 to 1960. He was moved to St Peter’s in South Bank as a curate from 1960 to 1963 then he was moved to St Andrew’s in Teesville as a curate from 1963 to 1967.
Between 1967 and 1968, he went to Corpus Christi College for the Institution of Religious Education in Bayswater, London and returned in 1968 to be appointed as curate at the Sacred Heart in Redcar. In 1971, he was appointed chaplain at Endsleigh College in Hull for one year and in 1972, he was appointed parish priest at St Mary & St Joseph’s in Pocklington.
He returned to being chaplain for the Endsleigh students from Hull College of Higher Education from 1973 to 1979 and during that time took up his appointment as parish priest in 1976 at St Anthony & Our Lady of Mercy in Hull. In 1982, he was given the title of Monsignor and was moved to St George’s in York as parish priest up until 1995. In 1995 until 2002, he was moved as the parish priest to St Peter & St Paul in Leyburn and in 2002, he retired in York and then moved to the Holy Name Care Home in Hull.
Seamus did a great deal of work for education in this part of the world and was indeed a very educated man himself.
His funeral took place at St George’s in York on Friday 23 July 2021 and he is buried in York cemetery. 
A high quality recording of the Funeral Mass is available via this link:


The Mass readings for each day of the week are available via the following link:

Link to today's liturgy

