First Holy Communion
Preparing for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Registration for our 2023-2024 class is now Closed
Our programme follows the “I Belong” preparation book.
I Belong is a programme that contains lively, colourful material in which illustrations and examples are used to reflect the world where today’s children live and experience faith. It is hoped that the children using this book will create a personal momento of this special time in their relationship with God. At the end of each chapter is a “Family Time” page with suggestions for prayer and something to do together as a family. Small information boxes have been added throughout the book. These cover areas such as: search the church for particular items, explanation of Catholic practices, what to look out for while at Mass and new words associated with reconciliation, First Holy Communion and the Mass.
Our programme recognises the central role of parents in the development of their children's faith. It explores the many gifts given to us by way of a family journey to Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Each child is prepared so that they may have sufficient knowledge in their own capacity to understand the mystery of Christ in reconciliation and Holy Communion. It is expected that children regularly attend Sunday Mass while preparing for the Sacraments.
In the words of Pope Francis
- I think first of families, called to a primary and vital mission of education. Families are the first place where the values of love and fraternity, togetherness and sharing, concern and care for others are lived out and handed on. They are privileges milieu for transmitting the faith, beginning with those first simple gestures of devotion which mother teach their children.